(Not) Judging Books by Their Covers

Self discovery, shmelf discovery. This is my reading adventure through the library, pure and simple.

Friday, August 12, 2011

There Lies a Hidden Scorpion by Takis and Judy Iakovou. Review coming soon.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

These Three Remain by Pamela Aidan. Review coming soon.
City of the Beasts by Isabel Allende. Review coming soon.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Gotta Get Some Bish Bash Bosh by M.E. Allen

   Youth Fiction Pick

   Newly dumped because of a lack of bish bash bosh, or sex appeal, the protagonist is ready to make some major changes. The book could be better, but is not bad. It's clean, funny and engaging for young readers. It says it's written for a 6-9 grade audience, but I think that might be stretching it. I think more a 6/7 audience.

Favorite Quote:

"That girl could stir up a riot in a bag of marshmallows."

Overall Opinion:

The first person narrative and perspective was quite engaging. I liked his personality. I enjoyed his journey.



Monday, August 1, 2011

Thanks for the Memories by Cecilia Ahern

   Okay. I think I have a definite read on Ms. Ahern. A little too precious, obvious conclusion, takes way too long to get there.

Favorite Quote:

"Finally words start spilling out of his mouth, as though they'd been queuing up impatiently."

Overall Opinion:

This is one instance where the movie version is definitely an improvement. Having to release the audience in 90 minutes limits the triteness and brings the inevitable to a more rapid conclusion.
