(Not) Judging Books by Their Covers

Self discovery, shmelf discovery. This is my reading adventure through the library, pure and simple.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Second Week Wrap

   Celebrated a cousin's wedding, first time in Laughlin, discovered that I love me some penny machines. Lucky Lemurs rock!! Wished a beloved grandmother a very happy 90th birthday this week, and not a frail, can't get around 90, but an active, still out and about, 90th birthday. My Granny is grantastic!!! Gossiped and joked with cousins, spent time being strong armed into sewing a glider cushion cover (115 pound pregnant women are no joke, let me tell you), watched my children play and get sweaty with cousins, once and twice removed.
   It was a really good week... Wait, wait, I think I can do better than that. Last week was wonderful, filled with a living mosaic of faces, food, snapshots of love and peals of laughter. Okay, enough of the smarm and onto the books!
   Five more library books down; two were meals, two were dessert and one was that stuff you eat when you're not sure you're even hungry and it isn't really what you want, but you can't find anything better. I'm halfway through my first library check out. Should be done this week, since we're still on Spring Break (yay!), most of them are fluff I picked out for fun, and I am planning to do as little as possible before we return to school.
   The book snob in me is a little embarrassed about the amount of junk on my list. I think I'm going to assuage the feeling by peppering the Wrap with a judicious use of my big girl vocabulary and vivid word pictures. Judging by my last sentence, I'll be resorting to incredibly long, though nicely phrased, sentences. (That was an unbiased opinion of my sentence structure and form, by the by.)
   Reading has been more and more enjoyable. While books have been lifelong friends and reading a major pasttime spender for as long as I can remember, it has been feeling new these past two weeks. Beginning a new book, wondering how it will be reviewed, which quotes will be chosen as favorites; it is all great fun!
   Getting a little tired of all the "I" usage in the Wrap. Thinking of either omitting them or switching to writing in the third person. Will see next week.

Favorite quote of the week, "Do you know how to spike hair? Because all my spikes go in a specific location." -My fourth, 8 years old, prior to my gelling his hair.

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